Thursday, February 23, 2017

Projections Part 2

Here is the final product of my Projections part 2 lab. This lab brought a lot of new aspects into ARCGis. We started out by learning that we can download new data on the and websites. Citrix receiver was also introduced which made it very simple to transfer files from my PC to my eDesktop. We were introduced to Aerial, Topographic Quadrangles, and downloading additional shapefiles. We were able to continue working on our data tables and learned how to add x,y coordinates and upload them properly to our maps. Lastly, we were able to reproject our data.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Projections Part 1

This week in our lab, we were introduced to exploring projection systems. The three projections used in this lab were the following: Albers, UTM 16, and State Plane. By showcasing the three types of projections, we were able to notice a slight difference between the three. You have to compare closely to notice the difference. I calculated the area for the geometry and converted that information into a chart to display the actual difference.By looking at the chart, you can notice how the attributes are affected. This lab was a good way to learn how projections can alter a maps data.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Week 4 - Sharing Maps

Hello everyone! As we are currently sitting a blizzard, I figured this would be a perfect time to blog. I felt that this weeks lab was pretty cool. All of the ways that we could create different files on different programs and have them interact was fun to do. 

I decided to showcase a top 10 list for stadiums in North America. We learned how to search internal and external data for basemaps, create excel files to be used for mapping, geocode using ArcGIS online, open our geocode in ArcGIS on our desktop, create maps for web publishing, create map packages, and how to open our maps on Google Earth. All of these techniques were fun to utilize. 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Week 3 - GIS Cartography

The map listed above showcases the elevation of Mexico. Showing elevation was one of the new skills that we had learned this week. Along with elevation we also learned how to explore data in Arc Catalog, dynamic text, signify statistics with colors, annotations, and more. I was able to continue to fine tune my cartographic skills and I feel that this lab taught me a lot. With these new skills we created 3 maps which consisted of the following:

- Elevation of Mexico
- Urban areas of Mexico
- Population of Mexico

I chose to upload the elevation map because I feel that you can visualize a lot. Using the stretched symbology scheme, I feel that the color choices really made it clear to determine the differences in elevation.